Alien Rangers #7 – Along Came a Spider

We open at Billy’s garage lab, where he’s disappointed to acknowledge that there’s no way for him to combine the Zeo Crystal fragments back into one crystal with the tech he has on-hand. Cestro and Tideus recommend seeking out a place nearby that would have the equipment needed, and he thinks Angel Grove University’s scienceContinue reading “Alien Rangers #7 – Along Came a Spider”

Alien Rangers #2 – Alien Rangers of Aquitar: Part 2

We open with Delphine, the leader of the Aquitian Rangers, responding to the Rangers’ distress call. She agrees that the threat of Master Vile is too great to worry about the potential health risks of Earth’s atmosphere, and is hopeful that the planet’s many water sources will help her team adjust.

Alien Rangers #1 – Alien Rangers of Aquitar: Part 1

Who’s ready for an extra-special treat? Due to me getting ahead of things once more, I’ll be posting an episode of Alien Rangers every weekday for its duration, so here’s to a fun next two weeks! Also, I was originally going to include this batch of episodes as parts 34-43 of Mighty Morphin season three,Continue reading “Alien Rangers #1 – Alien Rangers of Aquitar: Part 1”

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