In Space #24 – Zhane’s Destiny

We open with Andros and Zhane on a desert planet that, again, is definitely not Tatooine. It’s revealed that something on the planet is giving off massive amounts of energy, and the Rangers think it might be Zordon.

The other Rangers head down to help them, and TJ and Cassie are surprised to find coral on a rock despite there being no oceans on the planet. Before they know it, though, they’re captured alongside Ashley and Carlos.

Unfortunately, the energy source turns out to have been a false lead.

The other Rangers are thrown into a prison cell and figure by the fact that they’re still alive that these people don’t work for Astronema. Cassie spots an infirmary nearby, where giant pieces of coral are growing on unconscious people.

The head of the guard — whose name is Yatru — turns out to report directly to Dark Specter, who orders him to take out the captured Rangers while Astronema goes after Andros and Zhane. Dark Specter then calls Astronema, who is crushed by the idea of killing Zhane.

Alexa, play “Down Bad” by Taylor Swift.

Ecliptor can clearly tell something is up with the princess, but she pulls herself together and orders her Quantrons to take aim at the remaining Rangers. Afterward, she heads over to her very creepy Power Rangers action figures to look at the only slightly less creepy picture of Zhane she’s hidden nearby.

Girl, where did you even get those?

Andros and Zhane are able to fight off Ecliptor and the squad of Quantrons sent to finish them off, and they hurry to find the others, now doubly suspicious something has happened to them.

Speaking of the other Rangers, they’re paraded in front of elders by Yatru as spies responsible for turning people into coral. Yatru tries to present their scanner as evidence, but the Rangers protest their innocence. Yatru then pulls a vial he’s planted on Ashley; he smashes it against a wall, and when coral erupts, he declares them guilty.

An elder named Kinwon protests that this wasn’t a proper trial, and though public sentiment seems to be against him, he insists that they have laws for a reason.

He warns Yatru against harming them, implying he has more power than the show has let on.

Yatru sends the Rangers back to their cell and hurries to assure Dark Specter that the plan will continue. Kinwon walks in on him and discovers his treachery, but Yatru reveals a hidden monster who drags Kinwon away.

The captured Rangers, meanwhile, are proving themselves more than competent. TJ and Cassie have managed to remove one of the bars from their cell as Ashley and Carlos kept watch. As soon as Ashley sees a guard coming, they make their escape.

I hope I’ve made it clear by now how much I LOVE scenes where the Rangers have to think their way out of danger demorphed.

Kinwon stumbles upon them with an arm covered in coral, which Yatru uses as the perfect opportunity to cast further blame on them. They’re hauled in front of the elders again, who unanimously declare them guilty this time.

Not sure why Kinwon doesn’t speak in their defense considering it’s only his arm covered in coral, but I’m guessing Yatru made sure he wasn’t present at the trial.

Andros and Zhane burst in to stop the proceedings, backing up the others’ story of being Power Rangers. The female elder, Tykwa, recognizes them and we discover that the occupants of the planet are actually refugees from KO-35.

Okay, that’s a pretty good twist.

The tide turns against Yatru once Andros and Zhane stick up for their friends, with even the rest of the guard being unwilling to move against them. Giving up the charade, Yatru unleashes his monster on the gathered crowd, determined to end the Rangers for good.

Andros and Zhane fend off the monster — whose venom is responsible for the civilian coral transformations — while the rest of the guard unlock the other Rangers’ handcuffs. Zhane spots Yatru fleeing and goes after him, while everyone else focuses on the monster.

His little glare — I love him.

Tykwa tosses the Rangers their morphers and the fight is suddenly outside, because Sentai footage is a bitch sometimes.

I mean, the show could have easily given us a throwaway line, but simply…did not.

The monster — which is apparently named Coralizer — grows and the Rangers call the Astro Delta Megazord. Meanwhile, Zhane morphs and chases Yatru down, who cackles and reveals he’s actually Darkonda.

Okay, I didn’t see that one coming.

The Astro Delta Megazord takes care of Coralizer with ease, and we see the affected citizens cured of their coral transformations.

Zhane struggles on his own against Darkonda, especially after his Super Silverizer (his individual weapon, yes I know it’s a dumb name) is knocked away, but Kinwon manages to get it back to him and Zhane turns the momentum against Darkonda. Sensing he’s beaten, Darkonda retreats.

The KO-35 refugees show their gratitude to the Rangers but explain that now that Dark Specter knows where they are, they’ll have to evacuate. Zhane immediately volunteers the Rangers’ help, and they all start moving boxes like they’re hosting a charity event back at the Juice Bar.

Oh, memories.

Dark Specter tells Astronema and Ecliptor about the mission’s failure, and she hides her relief at the news that Zhane is still alive. At Dark Ecliptor’s insistence, she instructs Ecliptor to set a course for Earth.

Back with the Rangers, everyone is hugging goodbye to Zhane, who has decided to stay with the KO-35 refugees to help them build their defenses against Dark Specter. As sad as it is to lose Zhane so quickly, it’s 100% in-character and definitely a smarter way to be conscious of the Sentai footage than constantly having him lose his morpher like Tommy back in the day.

Plus, it’s not like he won’t be back.

Ashley bids him goodbye with a kiss on the cheek and Andros wraps him in a hug, urging him to stay safe. Zhane agrees and promises:

“Don’t worry. Someday when you least expect it, I’ll be back.”

The others promise they’ll be waiting, and they head back to the Astro Megaship. Andros has trouble giving the order to leave, staring down at the planet that holds both his best friend and the only remnants of his people. DECA finally snaps him out of it, and the Rangers take off.

I am in no way emotionally prepared for the next episode.

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