In Space #23 – A Date with Danger

We open with the Rangers on Earth fighting a monster while Astronema watches over them. Zhane comes to the rescue as usual, so Astronema sics a second monster on him.

When the monster isn’t much of a match for Zhane, Astronema enters the battle herself, accidentally striking her own monster in the process. Furious, the monster goes after Astronema, and while Zhane at first seems delighted to see her getting a taste of her own medicine, he has a change of heart and saves her at the last minute.

I don’t love her being a damsel in distress here, but it’s pretty clear she was caught off guard by her own monster striking back.

The other Rangers finish off their monster and Astronema wakes in a meadow to find Zhane watching over her. Thinking fast, she pretends to still be unconscious, but is startled when Zhane approaches her anyway with a steaming cup of soup he promises is good for her.

Astronema is shooketh.

She gags at the taste and Zhane admits he’s not the best cook, heading back to the pot to add some more salt. She snatches her staff and sneaks up on him, telling him she could destroy him right now if she wanted to.

Something tells me this isn’t Zhane’s first time flirting with a bad girl. He definitely gives Jim Kirk vibes.

Calmly, he says:

“You could, but I don’t think you will.”

And then he sticks a marshmallow on the end of her spear and puts it over the fire to toast it.


He encourages her to try the marshmallow and she gives a genuine smile at the taste before remembering who she’s with and throwing it to the ground. She vows that she doesn’t owe him anything, but after a moment’s hesitation, she thanks him and vanishes.

Back on the Astro Megaship, Cassie is reading the newspaper (does it deliver to space?) when she sees an ad for a movie called Star Crossed Lovers that is playing in town.

The nods to Gone with the Wind made me chuckle.

Ashley shrieks when Cassie tells her it’s playing, and the two grab Andros and insist on seeing it. Carlos and TJ don’t want to watch a romance, but Cassie insists they picked the movie last time and it’s the girls’ turn. They hurry off to ask Zhane if he wants to come, jumping up and down like the teenage girls they are.

This show really has some great female friendships.

On the Dark Fortress, we see Astronema sitting by the window and gazing into open space. Ecliptor tries to give her an update on the data he’s gathered on the Rangers, but she tunes him out, still in la la land over Zhane.

I mean, can you really blame her?

When Ecliptor asks if she wants him to go ahead with the plan, she dreamily replies:

“Don’t bother me with that now.”

On the Astro Megaship, Zhane has somehow come into possession of a picture of Astronema that was clearly taken during their encounter in the park.

I watched this entire scene play out and there was no camera present.

The girls burst into the room and drag him off to see the movie with them. Meanwhile, we cut to Astronema in her room looking over a picture of Zhane that at least could be written off as his official picture when he was a Power Ranger for KO-35.

How she got it, I have no idea, but Astronema has her ways.

Ecliptor comes in with her favorite meal, but when she tells him she isn’t hungry, he asks if there’s something wrong. She denies anything is wrong, but he insists he knows when something is troubling her, having raised her since she was a small child.

She insists there’s nothing going on. When Ecliptor says that the Rangers are on Earth and asks if she wants him to send a monster, she orders him not to do anything and dismisses him. After he’s gone, she checks her reflection in the mirror, sprays some perfume, and heads to Earth.


The Rangers have just finished their movie (and to Carlos and TJ’s surprise, they loved it) and are heading out of the theater as Astronema watches on. Once she spots Zhane, she steps back and casts a spell to make her look like an ordinary girl.

Now isn’t that interesting.

Meanwhile, Zhane is staring at the movie poster and picturing Astronema and himself in the actors’ places.


Astronema stumbles into him and has no trouble pretending to be normal. He does a double-take, mistaking her for Astronema at first before realizing she can’t be her. He helps her to her feet, immediately taken with her, but soon realizes he’s separated from his friends and runs after them.

She spots a folded piece of paper he dropped, and when she opens it, she sees the picture of herself.


In a delightfully dramatic turn of events, she zaps the area around the Rangers with lightning and fires an arrow at a tree with an invitation for Zhane.


Ecliptor discovers that Astronema has snuck away and decides to go forward with the plan to attack the Rangers despite her direct orders not to do so without her word. He sends a monster to Earth that has crucial data on all the Rangers’ weapons, and should be able to defeat them easily.

Alpha alerts the Rangers to the arrival of the Horror Bull and they head to face him. He easily deflects all of their weapons, suggesting that Astronema and Ecliptor’s plan was a good one.

In the meantime, Astronema and Zhane are preparing for their date.


I could quite literally not care less about this Ranger fight except that it’s obviously going to get in the way of Astronema and Zhane’s date. Ecliptor shows up to blah blah blah about how their weapons are useless GET BACK TO THE CUTE ROMCOM NOW PLEASE.

Speaking of the romcom, Zhane is dancing around in a new shirt with a bouquet of roses to give to Astronema.

If this became the Zhane and Andromeda show for the rest of the season, I would not be opposed.

Zhane tries to creep by Alpha, but the little android sees him and tells him about the battle. As he watches his friends get the shit beaten out of them and Alpha insists they need him, he has the audacity to ask, “Are you sure?”

Alpha’s “ZHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANE!” is the funniest thing he’s ever said.

Realizing he left his morpher in his room, Zhane hurries to find it strewn among all the clothes he tried on for his date. He finally finds it under a jacket and two shirts, morphs, and joins the battle.

By the time he shows up, the other Rangers are on the ground. He helps them to their feet, but TJ collapses again from exhaustion and Zhane realizes they’re all worse off than he thought. Together, they take out both Ecliptor and Horror Bull.

Once Horror Bull grows in size, Zhane tells the others to take it from there and speeds off on his Silver Cycle.

I know this is supposed to be irresponsible of him, but Zhane doesn’t have a Zord, so it’s not like he’d be much use against a giant enemy.

The Rangers form the Astro Delta Megazord but WHO CARES because Zhane is racing to see his lady love. By the time he gets there, Astronema is well and truly pissed about how late he is, blasting his roses with lightning and sending him flying into the muddy pond.

Astronema: Nobody stands me up, buddy!

Zhane: I didn’t stand you up!

Astronema: Well, you’re late!

Zhane: Well, I wouldn’t have been late if you hadn’t sent any monsters!

Astronema: I didn’t send any monsters! *zaps the area near him again*

Zhane: Can’t we talk about this?

Astronema: There’s nothing to talk about. I never want to see you again.


Also the Rangers won obviously anyway moving on.

Back on the Astro Megaship, Zhane is moping over Astronema and the other Rangers are fighting over who’s going to talk to him. Ashley loses, and she hesitantly asks Zhane if he’s all right.

I love him.
Ugh, been there, buddy.

When he doesn’t reply, Andros get thrown in next, but is unable to get any answers out of him, either. Cassie gets somewhere by saying “You can talk to us about anything,” to which he thanks her and leaves.

Back on the Dark Fortress, Astronema crumples the picture of Zhane but can’t bring herself to keep it that way, smoothing it out and smiling to herself in the mirror.

Hello I am Zhane/Astronema shipper #1.

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