In Space #17 – The Rangers’ Mega Voyage

We open where we left off, with the Rangers battling Darkonda and his skin baby.

Are the Rangers really not going to evacuate? The Astro Delta Megazord is actively on fire.

They manage to get the Megazord back on its feet, but they’re losing power fast. Alpha radios in to report that he’s decoded part of the key cards and they indicate a powerful weapon is hidden on one of Jupiter’s moons. Alpha sends the cards their way and the Rangers flee the battle in search of their shiny new weapon.

Astronema is understandably confused by the Rangers’ actions, especially since Darkonda is still actively attacking Earth. She sends Darkonda’s skin baby after the Rangers and we find out she’s holding prisoner the monster who originally stole the key cards from Zordon.

He’s initially hesitant to tell her anything, but Astronema’s quickly able to overcome that with some aggressive negotiations.

We’re then treated to a complete recap of scenes from exactly one episode ago.

Something attacks the Rangers’ ship (I think it might be just a random alien passerby, you know how we have plenty of those around Jupiter?), but they shake it off. The ship is taken over remotely by an unknown force as the Rangers make their landing, and no one is quite sure what’s going on.

Least of all me.

The Rangers run around a warehouse that I guess is just…on one of Jupiter’s moons in the Power Rangers universe. Astronema intercepts them and demands the key cards, and a fight ensues.

Andros fights his way over to what he assumes is the weapon’s control bay, and he opens up a room that everyone rushes into. Astronema throws a boomerang to stop Cassie in her tracks, directing her goons to go after the key cards that are suddenly in her hands, but she narrowly escapes and gets into the room with her teammates.

I really thought Cassie was in trouble for a minute there.

The Rangers follow a tunnel system that nearly sends Ashley straight off a ledge, but Andros catches her just in time. Cassie spots new weapons, which are labelled Mega Vehicles by the loudspeaker.

Can you really blame the creators for assuming this was a space-themed Sentai based on the early footage they were provided?

The key cards activate each vehicle, and while the term “vehicle” is appropriate for most of the Rangers’ new weapons, it’s an odd choice for Andros’s Rock’em Sock’em Robot. There’s then a weird moment where Andros uses his vehicle to leapfrog across everyone else’s stuff.

Is no one going to talk about how TJ objectively has the best one?

The monster from before returns, and apparently it is one of Astronema’s minions, after all. It heads straight for Andros’s new toy, since, you know, it’s the obvious target.

The other Rangers come to his aid, and the fight is actually slower paced than we usually get from the show.

It’s all Sentai footage, though, so no credit to the American team except perhaps the editors for leaving it in full instead of hacking it to pieces.

The implication is that Andros’s vehicle finishes off the monster, but it was definitely TJ’s giant nuclear warhead ramming into it.


The Rangers hurry to relieve Alpha, who’s been controlling the Astro Delta Megazord in their absence. Cassie figures out that the Mega Vehicles can combine into one, because DUH.

And then Andros becomes Jesus and ascends to heaven?

The Astro Delta Megazord runs out of energy and collapses.

The editors did a good job not including background music here — it’s way more impactful.

The Rangers arrive just in time with their newly-minted Mega Voyager, the first Megazord I can think of not to have Zord in the name.

I assume because it came from the Sentai footage already labelled.

The Rangers blast the shit out of the monster with — you guessed it — TJ’s giant nuclear warhead, which has been quickly named the Mega Missile. That does the job, and the Rangers rush to the aid of Alpha and the Astro Delta Megazord.

Soon they’re back in space with their ever-expanding ship, which at this point resembles a three-story parking garage.

How do you even steer that thing?

Alpha and Cassie conclude that many of the Astro Megaship’s circuits are fried, and that they’ll take days to fix. Andros and Carlos report that the scanners have gone the same way, and DECA’s broken voice isn’t helping things.

Ashley‘s in charge of watching over Earth, and when she mentions that everything’s quiet for now, Carlos replies that Astronema’s sure to make an attack, given she knows the ship’s been damaged.

To prove his point, we cut back to Astronema’s ship, where she declares this is the perfect time to go after Earth.

Maybe I’m forgetting something, but what is Astronema actually attacking Earth for? She’s after Zordon, who is definitively not there. Usually her Earth attacks are just to keep the Rangers distracted while she pulls some other scheme.

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