Zeo #18 – Inner Spirit

So. Today we’ll be getting back into Tommy’s Native American heritage. To quote myself back when we first learned of it:

“I’m just going to preface this episode by saying you should probably just assume that everything you’re about to see is incorrect.”

Also, friendly reminder:

We open with a flashback to True of Heart giving Tommy the arrowhead. This turns out to be part of Tommy’s dream, which quickly shifts to a nightmare of the Zeo Megazord being defeated in battle. He wakes with a start and groans about having “the same nightmare again.”

He dresses and heads for the Power Chamber, where he startles Alpha, who assumes by the time of night that an intruder has broken in. Zordon asks what’s wrong, and Tommy requests Alpha check the status of the Zeo Megazord.

I DO like it when episodes shake up the formula.

Everything is perfectly fine, but as Tommy mentions his dream, the power flickers out. Alpha hurries to check the Zeo Megazord again and Zordon explains that the Power Chamber has been experiencing odd power fluctuations lately.

The next day, we find the Juice Bar hosting a Native American art exhibition. Rocky points out the coincidence of Tommy dreaming about his arrowhead at the same time of the exhibit, and wonders if everything, including the Power Chamber’s electrical surges, is connected.

As Lt. Stone, Bulk, and Skull enter, we find out that the exhibition is the first event sponsored by the AGPD cultural committee. The bullies are at first uninterested in their assigned duty of selling raffle tickets…until Lt. Stone informs them that the prize for the person who sells the most is a trip to Hawaii.

That seems…really extravagant for a suburban art festival.

Specifically, the prize is for selling the most raffle tickets for the “incredible silver and turquoise arrowhead,” which brings up issues of the appropriation and commodification of Native American artifacts that I’m not adequately equipped to tackle, so just…please listen to actual indigenous voices, everyone.

Speaking of appropriation, there’s a display where people can just…try on headdresses. That’s a big nope.

They hurry to pawn their tickets on the attendees, but are furious to discover that someone named Delmar has beaten them to the punch. Just then, the power flickers at the Juice Bar; annoyed, Ernie says this has been happening all day and heads to check the circuit breakers.

On his way into the Juice Bar, Tommy runs into a familiar face, who introduces himself as Sam Trueheart, the curator of the exhibit. Tommy seems understandably unsure how to say, “I think a de-aged version of myself ran into one of your ancestors in a time loop,” so he settles for his name instead.

To the show’s credit, the actor playing Sam is Frank Salsedo, who IS Native American.

Sam explains that he needs to get back to his place, as he left an “important artifact” there, and Tommy offers him a ride in his car. On the way, Sam points out Tommy’s arrowhead necklace, to which Tommy expresses his wish to find the other half of it. In response, Sam says:

“Perhaps you should concentrate on your journey, instead of its destination.”

He then has Tommy randomly drop him off in the middle of a field, where he says his goodbyes despite still presumably needing a ride back to the Juice Bar. He drops a hint to Tommy that the area they’re in is a great place to find arrowheads, and with that, he magically vanishes.

I’m not kidding.

On the moon, we find out from Queen Machina that the reason for Angel Grove’s power issues is a monster called Main Drain, who has been secretly siphoning off energy all night to boost his strength.

Bulk and Skull, meanwhile, head to the park to try and get the local youth to buy their raffle tickets. Unfortunately for them, they’ve also already gotten theirs from Delmar. They’re finally successful in finding some kids who’ve never heard of the guy, but at that moment, Main Drain makes his first attack.

Tommy joins the others back at the exhibit, informing them of the weirdness of his earlier encounter with Sam. The moment is interrupted by Bulk and Skull bursting into the Juice Bar screaming about the latest monster attack.

The power cuts out, and Ernie stupidly assures everyone it’s probably just a blown fuse despite Bulk and Skull having just announced a monster attack. The Rangers hurry to a safe spot and contact Zordon, who gives them the lowdown on the situation.

They morph and head to the fight, where Klank and Orbus immediately arrive to make Main Drain grow. The Rangers call their Zords, and after some initial struggle, they manage to get the upper hand.

Then King Mondo waves a white flag and pleads for mercy.

The Rangers fall for Mondo’s scheme with one exception — Kat tries to warn them it has to be a trick (perhaps because of her past experience with evil), but it’s too late. Main Drain manages to wrap his wires around the Zeo Megazord’s neck and drain its power.

Even worse, the trump card colloquially known as the Zeo Megazord Saber is split in half.

Alpha summons the Rangers and the Zeo Megazord back to the Power Chamber before Main Drain can finish them off. He warns that the repairs will take more than three days to complete, but Adam points out that they don’t have the time to spare.

Billy introduces a new Zord he’s been working on, the Red Battle Zord, which he warns is still in its experimental stages. He explains that its operations tie directly to Tommy’s state of mind, meaning he has to stay calm and collected for it to work.

Tommy struggles to do so once inside the Zord, which moves erratically as he fights to maintain control. Just when Main Drain is about to put the kibosh on him, the other Rangers swoop in with their Laser Pistols to distract him.

As you can see, it goes great for them. Also, who are those random humans in the background?

Tommy manages to get the Red Battle Zord on its feet but still can’t get a handle on its controls, so Sam’s face appears before him like Obi-Wan Kenobi and encourages him to be one with the Force Zord.

What even.

Tommy finally learns to use the Zord as an extension of himself and, of course, takes down Main Drain. Mondo is disappointed by the loss, but he and Machina take solace in the crippling of the Zeo Megazord.

At the Juice Bar, Bulk and Skull finally catch up with Delmar, who is selling raffle tickets like hotcakes. They break up the crowd around him and threaten violence if he doesn’t stop selling so well.

Lt. Stone arrives and asks just what they’re doing with the son of the chief of police. The bullies panic and immediately buy 50 tickets each from him, leading him to throw a lei around his neck and stride off with a smirk.

Oh, queer-coded 90s characters.

Meanwhile, Tommy heads back to the spot where he left Sam, intent on continuing his journey of self-discovery. A young man we’ve never seen before magically appears astride a horse, and we get some hilariously cheesy zoom-ins before we end our episode.

Dun dun dun…

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