Mighty Morphin #1.19 – Green with Evil: Part 3

Now seems as good a time as any to point out that I have no idea where this shot of Zack from the theme song comes from.

All the other Rangers’ intro shots are familiar, but I don’t recognize these kids at ALL.

The episode actually opens with Jason, obviously, rolling out of the way of Goldar’s signaled attack. Goldar is then unable to find him, I guess because of the fog around them, but you’d think a beefy kid in bright red clothing would stand out against a little fog.

This doesn’t check out.

Because this is a multi-parter of firsts, something new actually happens on Rita’s base. She calls forth her minion Scorpina, who will be a minor antagonist on-and-off throughout Mighty Morphin.

It’s super unclear how Scorpina is summoned. There’s a big sequence involving a rolling boulder and a scorpion sitting on top of it, and then Scorpina is suddenly on Earth. I guess we’re supposed to assume she’s the scorpion given human form, but what was the point of the boulder rolling around?

That’s definitely not the same location, but sure, I guess???

At the Command Center, the remaining Rangers are shaken up by Zordon’s brief reappearance. Alpha and Billy try desperately to get him back, but all attempts fail. Then this exchange occurs:

Billy: He was trying to tell us something about the Green Ranger.

Trini: Which means he’s probably involved in all of this.

Oh, right. They still haven’t pieced together that the enemy they keep fighting might also have something to do with the destruction of the Command Center. Come on, guys. THINK.

Then Zack decides they need to split up to find Jason. Because why not?

Goldar is still unable to find Jason — even when he’s right above him, which is ridiculous — and is just stabbing the ground at random. Props for unintentional hilarity.

As silly as the idea that Goldar can’t see Jason is…
…the tension is REALLY good here.

Only able to stay inert for so long, Jason springs to his feet with a war cry and knocks Goldar on his back with a flying kick.

Jason: So, Goldar, how does it feel to be outsmarted by a human being?

Goldar: No human’s ever defeated Goldar!

Jason: Well, I’m gonna change that!

This show is over the top and I am HERE for it.

Goldar manages to get Jason back on the ground, and the show cuts to the Juice Bar as he advances on him. Ernie is telling a disappointed Kimberly that he hasn’t seen Jason anywhere when Bulk and Skull stride in, offering to help her search for payment in kisses.

To Ernie’s horror, Kimberly agrees, but it turns out to be a ploy to trick Skull into kissing Bulk on the cheek. Bulk’s “no homo” is enraged by the situation, and he chases Skull out of the bar.

The sweet, sweet power of homophobia.

Kimberly bumps into Tommy on her way out and uses the opportunity to ask if he’s seen Jason anywhere. Tommy tells her that he waited for him after school and Jason never showed up, which Kimberly acknowledges is weird. Tommy then says:

“And let me guess: You’re worried, right? That is what you do best.”

Smack him, Kim!

He stalks out as Zack enters, revealing that his search for Jason has been just as fruitless. Kimberly tells him about her exchange with Tommy, and Zack says that he knows for a fact Jason showed up to meet him. They run after him, Kimberly still thinking his odd behavior is caused by him being angry with her.

Rita senses that they’re starting to grow suspicious of Tommy, and sends down a squadron of Putties to intercept them in their path. Zack comments, “Talk about bad timing!” which could be seen as obliviousness, but honestly, Putties show up constantly in their lives, so I wouldn’t think much of it if I were them, either.

Zack suddenly remembers his Hip Hop Aikido halfway through the fight and randomly starts dancing on a picnic table, so that’s nice.

Meanwhile, Kimberly’s getting shit done.

Despite Rita’s valiant attempts, Kimberly and Zack do start to suspect something foul after defeating the Putties, noting that they didn’t even try attacking him.

Tommy teleports (in Ranger form) to Jason’s alternate dimension to stop Goldar’s attack, and not a moment too soon. There’s really only so long you can play out that storyline. He announces that Rita has decided to give him the pleasure of taking out Jason, and Goldar leaves in a huff.

At the Command Center, Billy has the communicators up and running and the main console almost there, as well (Alpha helpfully explains that the computers will be able to search for Zordon in about fifteen minutes).

Jason fights Tommy in the alternate dimension, making a lot of declarations about how evil Rita is and how if Tommy was really a Ranger, he would be on Zordon’s side. Somehow, in the fight, Jason’s morpher…comes loose? (I’m honestly not sure where it’s been — I thought Goldar had it, but maybe he gave it to Tommy when he left?) Regardless, Jason snatches it, but Tommy steps on his arm before he can use it.

Do you HAVE to thrust it forward to use it? You can’t just call your power with your arm to the side?

Following this is a completely pointless Rita scene, in which the minions all wax poetic about how terrible and evil and dangerous she is, while she just stands there and grins.

In the Command Center, Billy is using the teleporter to lock on to Jason’s coordinates through his communicator…which I thought didn’t work in the alternate dimension?

Tommy’s sword materializes and Jason reacts appropriately.


There’s a good amount of padding before Billy finally manages to teleport Jason — naturally, right as Tommy thrusts his sword down. He appears in the Command Center, and as the other teens swarm him, he says he has a lot to tell them.

Meanwhile, Goldar has the nerve to yell at Tommy for taking too much time to kill Jason and letting him get away, despite the fact that Goldar had him there for like five times longer without getting so much as a scratch on him. Goldar says that Tommy may get another chance, but for now, he’ll remain in the alternate dimension as punishment.

Didn’t Tommy teleport himself here?

Even with everything Jason’s seen, the Rangers apparently still don’t have enough information to put together the fact that Tommy’s the Green Ranger. Even with Zack pointing out the inconsistencies in his story and the fact that Jason was teleported away seconds after speaking with him.

The Command Center alarms go off and the Viewing Globe shows Scorpina attacking the “warehouse district” of Angel Grove, which is the show’s explanation of why the areas the monsters attack are always so empty. The teens morph and head into battle, where Scorpina commands the Putties and is so beautifully, perfectly dubbed I could cry.

Her dubbing is so good I actually went to the Power Rangers Wiki to make sure she wasn’t an American creation.

Then this weird exchange happens on the moon:

Goldar: But although she is a brave warrior, she is greatly outnumbered. She must be called back before it’s too late!

Baboo: Gosh and golly, can we go watch it?

Goldar: Very well!

Sorry, just checking: Are we concerned about Scorpina’s chances or excited to watch her die? Because that conversation flipped on a dime.

Then Rita starts doing her make-up and asking if she’s prettier than Scorpina???

I guess Goldar calls Scorpina back off-screen, because they burst through the door, Scorpina yelling:

“Don’t you ‘Scorpina’ me! I was at least out there battling with them!”

I like her already.

Rita says, “Children, hush,” which is a term I’ve never heard her use on her minions before. Squatt suggests sending Tommy down and Rita agrees, pointing out that he’s had the Rangers on the ropes several times now.

What follows is the weirdest conversation I’ve heard at Rita’s moon base yet.

Rita: So, do you two think I should send the Green Ranger? (Since when do you ask?)

Squatt: I think I don’t know what I think, Your Evilness. (Fair)

Scorpina: No, send me! I wanna go! (Makes sense)

Squatt: Well, I could go with Baboo. (Why would you want to?)

Scorpina: Oh, shut up! (Agreed)

Goldar: Let’s not forget who’s the most powerful warrior- (Technically Tommy, but whatever)

Baboo: You’re the most powerful! (Sure?)

Squatt: Yeah, you’re right! (He is?) Uhh, now that I think of it, you are the most powerful! (This has taken a weird turn)

Goldar: Then I should go, not Green Ranger! (If we’re going with this assumption, that makes sense)

Baboo: No, the Green Ranger should go. (But I thought Goldar was the most powerful???)

Rita: Baboo, will you put a cork in it already? (PLEASE) I make the decisions around here. (So why did you ask?) And so I’ve decided that you *points to Goldar* should do it. (I mean…fine?)

Goldar: Thank you, my queen. (Phew..) I promise I shall not fail you. (…back on track)

Rita: And I’ll be busy working on a spell to cause an eclipse, and cut off Megazord’s solar power when the final battle begins. (Where the hell did that come from???)

Please imagine every line SCREAMED for maximum accuracy.

There’s another pointless scene in which Tommy is training in the alternate dimension and declares that he’s ready for another chance to “crush the Rangers.” Rita tells him to have patience, and we head back to the Command Center, where the aforementioned Rangers are discussing their next move.

Zack and Trini speculate that Rita is holding back and preparing for a bigger attack to come, a theory that had no textual basis until about thirty seconds ago. Alpha manages to lock onto Zordon momentarily, but is unable to hold him due to something messing with the power to the Command Center (I’d guess that’s the eclipse Rita is supposed to be causing, but that won’t come until later, so I have no idea what’s going on).

Rita throws her wand to make Goldar grow, and the teens are alerted to the situation via the Viewing Globe. They watch Goldar attack “downtown Angel Grove,” a metropolitan area of this suburban town we’ve never seen because it’s all Sentai footage.

That’s a BUILDING. There would be SO MANY casualties.

Billy warns that Goldar’s attack could be a trap, but Jason says they don’t have a choice but to engage. And with that, it’s “To Be Continued” time.

Not really the same “oomph” of an ending this time around, but it’s decent.

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